Willie Colón & Ruben Blades


Siembra (1978)

"Siembran sanoitukset ovat netistä hakemieni tietojen mukaan yhteiskunnallisesti kantaaottavia ja tavallisen työläisen puolella. Tämä on siis niitä tapauksia, joissa harmittelen kielimuuria. Minä pystyin kuuntelemaan tätä vain oikein kivana salsalevynä". Siembra oli mukana 1001 albums you must hear before you die -listalla, ja noin kirjoitin Kvaakiin kuunneltuani sen.

Kuuntelin sen jälkeen paljon digitaalikopiota Siembrasta, luin netistä kertomaa siitä miten vaikutusvaltainen ja tärkeä levy se on, ja olin harmissani siitä etten osaa espanjaa, jotta saisin selvää siitä mitä biiseissä lauletaan. Tammikuussa 2014 otin ja tilasin 30-vuotisjuhlapainoksen, toivoen että siinä selitettäisiin sanoitusten sisältö. Ehkä mukana olisi jopa englanninkieliset käännökset kaikista lauluista?

Ei ole. 28-sivuinen kansivihko kertoo kyllä auliisti levyn tekemisestä, sen menestyksestä ja merkityksestä, mutta se mistä levyllä lauletaan jää vieläkin suurelta osin hämäräksi. Äänittäjä Jon Fausty kertoo esim. Pedro Navaja -kappaleen tekemisestä seuraavaa: "Willie wanted to incorporate sounds of the street in this song. I dropped a pair of microphones out of the window of the 25th floor at the end of their cables to record several fire trucks barreling down Broadway. Also, if you listen very carefully, in the second verse you hear a car passing on the street and playing on that car radio is a section of "Pedro Navaja" that has yet to come."

Avauskappale Plástico alkaa puolen minuutin mittaisella, vietävän kornilla diskointrolla, joka yhtäkkiä vaihtuu upeaksi salsaksi. Vaikutelma on ällistyttävä, aivan kuin plastiikkista diskomusaa parodioitaisiin, ja tehokkaasti.

Sen verran sanallisesta annista kerrotaan, että Pedro Navajan sanoitus pohjautuu löyhästi Puukko-Mackien tarinaan. Se kertoo katurikollisesta joka käy prostituoidun kimppuun ja saa ansionsa mukaan. Pedro Navajasta tehtiin kuvasarja - tekstit kiertävät tekstittömien piirrosten ympärillä - joka kertoo koko tarinan sekä espanjaksi että englanniksi. Kuvasarja on painettu kansivihkoon. Tekstin lukemiseen tarvitaan tosin suurennuslasia, mutta yritän jäljentää englanninkielisen käännöksen tähän:

From a corner of the old barrio, I watched him pass
with the careful step of the hippest cat, not slow, nor fast
Into the pockets of a suede leather jacket, his two hands fade
so nobody knows which of the pockets carries the blade
At night he sports a wide brimmed hat tilted at the tip
and Pro Ked sneakers so if there's a problem, he can split
tinted shades so nobody knows just where he's looking
and a golden tooth, shining as he laughs, that lights up Brooklyn.

Three blocks or so from that old corner a working chick
scans the sidewalk for the fifth time in search of a trick
and enters a storefront and downs a drink to erase this day
when not one single client, paying for playing, came her way
Down from the avenue, a car slips past doing twenty tops
has no marks, but the people know it's just the cops
and Pedro Razor, his hands still deep in the pockets of his coat - how tine?
He looks and laughs and his golden tooth glints an uptown shine.

And as he walks his eyes take in every corner of the block
but there isn't a soul, it's completely deserted, every door is locked
when all of a sudden, a woman leaves that storefront place
and Pedro Razor closes his fist and quickens his pace
From side to side, he squints and searches, not a soul in the street
then he nervously glides across the block on sneakered feet
when after a while, across the way, walks that lady of the night
short on money, her stomach empty - a sorry sight

And as she walks, from her threadbare coat, she pulls a gun
and slips it into a tattered purse, her nerves undone
A Smith and Wesson, a policeman's special - a thirty eight
which she carries on her to even the odds when she's working late

And Pedro Razor, knife in hand, jumped her from behind
the whole street glowing with the shimmer of his gold tooth shine
and as he laughed the blade sunk in coldblooded and quick
when all of a sudden, in the peace of the night, a revolver clicked

And Pedro Razor fell to the ground while watching this street wise dame
mortally wounded, but holding the gun, call out his name
"Pedro Razor, I truly thought this wasn't my day - not one trick
but bro', you're worse, 'cause Pedro Razor, you just ain't hip!"

And believe me people, though there was noise, nobody dared
ask a question, or shed a tear, or show they cared
Just the neighborhood drunk, who stumbled upon that grisly sight
Picked up the gun, the blade, and the bills and tipped into the night
and stumbling along, he sang a song, is heart content
the chorus which I bring you, carrying my message and its intent

CHORUS: In life there are surprises
there are surprises in life, Oh Lord!

Mitäs muista kappaleista sanotaankaan...

Plastico: "an indictment of materialism and social pretense that marks the opening salvo in a record that would succeed by going against trends and traditions. Instead of crossing over to English-speaking audiences, Siembra built musical bridges to the rest of Latin America..." "Add to all this the elements of ethnic pride, Latino empowerment and Pan American unity and you have a mighty powerful cultural mix that allowed Siembra to cross all class, racial and geographic borders. Those themes naturally arose from the collection of songs Blades had written for the session. In the studio, the themes were strengthened, as when the duo decided to add a rousing roll-call of Latin nations at the end of "Plástico"".

Siembra: "Colón says "it sounded almost like a battle cry", with the chorus shouting the two-syllable word that means "to sow" in Spanish. Blades uses the imperative - "Siem-bra-a-a-a." - commanding listeners to sow if they hope to reap a better life for themselves and their children. In his soneos, or improvisations, he alludes back to that disco introduction with a reference to actor John Travolta, star of the film "Saturday Night Fever" which ignited the mass disco craze: Olvida la Travoltada y enfrenta la realidad / De la cara a tu tierra y asi el cambio llegará".

Buscando Guayaba: "...touches on the need to be resourceful when Blades improvises a scatting solo because, as he announces on the record, "the guitarist didn't show up" for the recording".

Maria Lionza: "...[Blades] invokes a Venezuelan cult goddess to show how the poor pray for miracles everywhere in the same way, no matter what shape their saints take in the syncretic fusion of Spanish, African and Indian religions".

Kansivihon aukeamalle 18-19 on painettu LP:n sisäkannet joihin sanotukset painettiin. Espanjankielisistä sanoituksista saa selvän suurennuslasilla. Jos oikein jaksaisin, jäljentäisin ne ja käännättäisin Google Translatella.

Myöhemmin: No niin, löysin laulujen sanoitukset netistä ja käännätin ne kaikki Google Translatella englanniksi. Olkaa hyvä, tässä koko sanallinen sisältö:


She was a plastic girl of those I see out there
Of those that when shaken sweat Chanel number three
They dream of marrying a doctor
Well, he can keep them better
They don't talk to anyone if it's not their equal
Unless he is such a guy
They are cute thin to dress well
Of elusive look and fake laugh

He was a plastic boy of those I see around
With the comb in my hand and face I was not
Of those who by topic in conversation
They discuss which car brand is better
Of those who prefer not to eat
For the appearances to be had
To walk elegant and thus be able to pick up a plastic girl

What a failure

It was a plastic couple of those that I see out there
Thinking only about money
She at the wedding in Paris
Appearing what they are not
Living in a world of pure illusion
Telling your five year old son
Don't play with strangely colored children
Drowned in debt to keep
Your social status at a wedding or hotel

What a failure

It was a plastic city of those that I don't want to see
Of cancerous buildings and a heart of gold see
Where instead of a sun a dollar dawns
Where nobody laughs where nobody cries
With people with polyester faces
That listen without hearing and look without seeing
People who sold for convenience
Their reason for being and their freedom

Hey latin hey brother hey friend
Never sell your destiny for gold or comfort
Never rest because we need to walk a lot
Let's all go ahead to finish together
With the ignorance that brings us suggested
With imported models that are not the solution
Don't be confused
Search the fund and its reason
Remember the faces are seen
But never the heart
Don't be confused
Search the fund and its reason
Remember the faces are seen
But never the heart
Remember the faces are seen
And never the heart

The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
From the dust we all come and there we will return as the song says
The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
Remember that the plastic melts, if the sun is full
The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart

The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
Study, work and be people first, there's the salvation
The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
But look, look, don't be confused, look for the background and its reason
The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
Forward, forward, forward, forward, forward
And so we will remain united and in the end we will win
The faces are seen, the faces are seen, go, but never the heart
But ladies and gentlemen, in the middle of plastic
The faces of hope are also seen
You see the proud faces that work for a
United Latin America and for a morning of hope and freedom
The work and sweat faces are seen
Of flesh and blood people who did not sell
Of people working looking for the new path
Proud of their heritage and of being Latino
A united race, which Bolivar dreamed of
Panama, present
Puerto Rico, present
Mexico, present
Venezuela, present
Peru, present
The Dominican Republic, present
Cuba, present
Costa Rica, present
Colombia, present
Honduras, present
Ecuador, present
Bolivia, present
Argentina, present
Nicaragua, present
The barrio, present


I left the forest looking for guava
On the sidewalk of 8 and 2
And although I found a golden house
I didn't find that guava
I've traveled all over the world
And never, I could never find
A guava that I would like
And stop my walk
And although I found a golden house
I couldn't find that guava

I'm looking for guava
How? That tastes like menthol
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
A guava saves brunette
A guava that is very good
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
U ru, ru guarara where Miguel goes
U ru, ru guarara went to look for guava too
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
But have a lot of menthol
But have it, have a lot of flavor
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
Look for a guava, look for a guava
Look for a guava on the sidewalk of 8 and 2
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol

That tastes like menthol
I'm looking for guava
Savanna guayabita
I'm looking for guava
Here are two
That I want a guava
I'm looking for guava
Come and give me a hand
Ay help me eat and
I'm looking for guava
I see her that
I see her that you don't catch
And it doesn't say where there is
I'm looking for guava
Tell me that pretty guava
Where I find her, oh God
I'm looking for guava
What, what walking
I'm always walking sir
I'm looking for guava
U ru, ru guarara where Miguel goes
I'm looking for guava
Come help me from Lao
Tell me where it is never
I have found her
I'm looking for guava
Join me because it can happen
I'm looking for guava
I find that woman
And learn to love
I'm looking for guava
I look for her in the mountains
And for the marquette
I'm looking for guava
No, no, no, no, hide more
And appears brown
I'm looking for guava
That tastes like menthol
I'm looking for guava


On Sorte Mountain by Yaracuy
In Venezuela, lives a goddess
On Sorte Mountain by Yaracuy
Live a goddess, a noble queen
Of great beauty and great kindness
Loved by nature
And illuminated charity
And its walls are made of wind
And its roof made of stars
The moon, the sun, the sky
And the mountain your companions
The rivers, streams and flowers
Are your messengers

Oh save queen, Maria Lionza
Venezuela goes with its ounce
And taking care of this
And he watches over his entire land
From El Guajiro to Cumana
Take care of the destiny of Latinos
Live together and free

On Sorte Mountain by Yaracuy
In Venezuela

María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
A bouquet of flowers, of white flowers
What the purity of your goodness
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
To all the people there in Los Cerritos
And there in Caracas protect it
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
Doña María at any cost
I will take you to the eastern highway
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
And he is taking care of his Venezuela
From El Guajiro to Cumana

María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
It was along the Guanaguanare River
That Coromoto saw her shine
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
She is the queen that the people adore
She is the most popular Goddess
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
Flowers for your altar
Dona Maria, I'm going to take you
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
With tobacco and brandy
The ceremony is going to start
María Lionza, make me a miracle
And a bouquet of flowers I will take you
We say goodbye with greetings
From Puerto Rico and Panama


There are thousands of eyes
crystals that watch the world go by
Eyes that find fortunes
looking at the moon and its glow
There are eyes that emanate tenderness
and there are eyes of immense pain
dark night eyes
They live in bitterness and desolation

But there are eyes that know how to laugh
there are eyes of eternal brightness

Eyes that see in multicolored flowers, the grace of God

There are eyes of young and old
of everyone in the world
of all colors
of king or vagabond

Eyes that laugh
Eyes that cry
Eyes that ask
Eyes that implore
Eyes that are full of hope
Shouting eyes of when
Eyes that say the street is hard
Poor eyes waiting

Following the chickens in the corners
or looking at papers in the office
Blissful eyes, like the neighbor's eye
Eyes like the blind man who looks inside
Eyes of baptisms and burials
eyes full of feeling

Let's see, let's see
I came here to see...
Let's see, let's see
I came here to see...

Eyes that ask
Eyes that answer
Eyes of confidence
Good-natured eyes
Police eyes
Eyes of thieves
Women's eyes and men's eyes

They are the eyes of my people
watching how to push forward
They are the eyes of students
heaven bless you
the future in our race
of Latin America.


Tell me how to tear my soul from this sorrow of love
This sorrow of love, this sorrow of love
Tell me how to tear myself away from the immense pain
From this sorrow of love, from this sorrow of love

This sorrow of love that always accompanies me
And that doesn't let me rest
It's the blue sadness that left me your farewell
And that doesn't let me dream anymore
And that dead in life will leave me

Tell me how to tear my soul from this sorrow of love
This sorrow of love, this sorrow of love
Tell me how to tear myself away from the immense pain
From this sorrow of love, from this sorrow of love

Say, say, say, say, how do I start this grief
Say, say, say, say, how I endure this grief
As I get rid of this love that poisons me
As I always take off, this love that is my condemnation
Say, say, say, say, how do I start this grief
Say, say, say, say, how I endure this grief
He accompanies me by day and by dawn
The memory of that female I can not tear
Say, say, say, say, how do I start this grief
Say, say, say, say, how I endure this grief
Me who loved you, me who adored you
And the love he offered you, importance you didn't give
Say, say, say, say, how do I start this grief
Say, say, say, say, how I endure this grief

How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
This pity that kills me, this love that poisons me
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
I don't forget her or drinking or watching TV
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
What a pity I have, ave, ay San Antón
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love

How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
Oh help me Babalau
How to tear off this love so salty
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
I suffer for the sinner, for love of Magdalena
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
Pain, but what a pity I have, pain, but what a pity, pity of love
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love
How I forget good mom, this love that is my condemnation
How do I start this grief, how do I start this grief of love

Tell me how to tear my soul from this sorrow of love
Tell me how to tear myself away from the immense pain
This sorrow of love


Sow, if you intend to collect
Sow, if you intend to harvest
But don't forget
That according to the seed
So will be the fruits that you will gather
Sow, if you intend to reach
What the future will bring you
But don't forget that according to the seed
So they will be, the fruits that you will gather


Chorus 1:
With faith sow and sow and you will see
With faith sow and sow and you will see

Forget about the plastic that never leaves
Sow with faith in tomorrow, you will never regret


Remember that passing time does not bear fruit from a fallen tree
Always fight for your race, never give up


When bad things trouble you and cloud your heart
Think of Latin America and repeat my proclamation


And according to the seed, the fruits will be born
Never forget Betances in the union is the future


Forget appearances,
Chorus 2: Sow and sow and you will see
color differences
Chorus 3: sow and sow and you will see
And use consciousness
Chorus 2
To be a better world
Chorus 3
The good times are coming
Chorus 2
The day of redemption
And when the towns call
Answer from the heart
You will see you will see, you will see you will see, you will see you will see

The seed is the children that time will grow
But you have to set an example so that it can happen
Forget the punch and face reality,
And face your land and towards change you will arrive
Sow honey, sow humility
And it gives fruits of hope to those who come behind


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