The Zoo - ZZ Top - Äpyli Ja Utu Ptrui Tänne Prutui

THE ZOO The Zoo Hits Back (1975) FinnArctic-esittely: The Zoo served as the starting point for the career of one Riki Sorsa (Esko Richard Sorsa, 1952-). In 1975 they released the album "The Zoo Hits Back" which was one of the first self-released records in Finland. The group presents ten of their own songs, all penned by guitarists/bassists Quickhand and Viktor Malin. Except for the opener "Bed Rumbles" which is rough rock, the material leans towards the 50's teenybop genre. Nothing groundbreaking or even essential, The Zoo nevertheless have to be praised for their spirit of enterprise even if a slight amateurishness and crude production (Pekka Nurmikallio and his Microvox studio again) somewhat damage the enjoyment. Some songs date as far back as 1972 and 1974, but it's hard to tell much difference. The Zoo split soon after due to the usual studying-army-girlfriends stuff. Quickhand & Malin continued as a duo and released an eponymous...